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Next Generation Collaboration: AI-Powered Collaboration from Zoom Workplace

Posted by Cloud Connextions on 3/26/2024

The recent announcement by Zoom introducing over 40 new enhancements to their Zoom Workplace ecosystem, including Zoom Rooms, marks a significant leap forward in workplace collaboration technology. Artificial Intelligence (AI), a rapidly advancing force within the tech industry, is at the core of these updates. Zoom is skillfully embedding AI across all its products and services, crafting an immensely powerful collaboration tool designed for the modern office and the future workplace.

With a decade of experience working alongside Zoom, we are committed to helping our clients understand and utilize the enhancements available. These advancements aim to redefine teamwork, enhance productivity, and streamline customer engagement, all within the dependable Zoom ecosystem.

Of special note. The enhancements have been announced, and will become generally available over the next few months, depending on your country and region.

Read the entire article on the Cloud Connextions' Insights blog.