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Guide: Security Your Zoom Meetings

Posted by Ryan Pinke on 4/16/2020

Guide:  Security Your Zoom Meetings

Over the past few weeks, there has been lots of people (blogs, news articles, tweets, updates, etc.) letting us know about security problems/concerns with Zoom (specifically Zoom Meetings application). Zoom has made several changes over the past few weeks, updating their security, and ensuring their users the application is more secure than has been reported.

Along those lines, we decided to put together a quick guide to "Securing Your Zoom Meetings".  It's essential when you we move from physical meetings to virtual meetings with teammates, work teams, business partners and customers, that we ensure those meetings are attended by the "right" people. Zoom Bombing has become a new thing with the explosion of video conferencing meetings. The key thing to remember is you have control over who attends your meeting, it's your responsibility to understand those features and how to use them.

Guide: Safely Using Zoom Meetings from

If you have suggestions on how to improve this guide, please let us know.