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Are you Ready? Huddle Rooms and Open Spaces are becoming video-enabled.

Posted by Ryan Pinke on 10/2/2017

Are you Ready? Huddle Rooms and Open Spaces are becoming video-enabled.

Fun Fact: According to a recent white paper written by Frost & Sullivan, and sponsored by Zoom, "more than 96% of meeting rooms currently are only equipped with traditional projectors or displays and audio communications."

Also from the same white paper, it's estimated that by 2021, over 1/3 of all employees will access office networks remotely, and usage of collaboration tools will triple.

Those are direct quotes from the white paper. Even though we are still living in an age dominated by voice communications and physical meetings, there are technologies changing those work patterns.  

What makes this an interesting fact is we also know some of the fastest growing companies today, are also the ones embracing a distributed, virtual or remote workforce and these same companies (whether large or small) work with customers, business partners, vendors, etc. that could be located anywhere on the globe.

There's lots of research about the effectiveness of video conferencing and how it can improve your business, the lives of your employees and actually help you expand into new markets.  And even though there are more and more companies embracing "video conferencing" for their employees (like using Zoom to have video meetings, everyone dialing in with their phones or laptops), there is obviously a significant number who have not fully embraced it as just another business tool.

Since 2015, there have been numerous studies about the video enabled Huddle Room helps businesses grow.  These work spaces are not necessarily new, but they do point out a trend - that any open space can become a virtual workspace, not just for those employees physically within the office, but all employees, regardless of location.

Zoom, as an example, has seen explosive growth over the last few years. A significant amount of that growth has come from moving beyond just a "video call" and helping companies create Zoom Rooms, that are video conferencing enabled meeting spaces - huddle rooms, open spaces, conference rooms, classrooms, or auditoriums.

The key behind the success of Zoom Rooms is part software, part hardware, and part a change in attitude within the workforce.  With Zoom Rooms, it's easier and more cost effective than ever to enable every meeting space and room. 

That's why we have spent so much time and effort in creating Zoom Room kits for different sizes and types of meeting rooms, from huddle rooms to large classrooms or auditoriums. If there's not a pre-configured kit, we can create on for you based upon your needs, from our world-class business partners.  

It's never been easier to get all your meet spaces to become video conferencing spaces, and there's not better time than right now.